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2 guys 3 girls and a mad professor


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Avinash is a professor of Anatomy. His wife Malati would like to drive him crazy but she can`t, as he already is. Their two daughters need to be married off. Malati invites her formidable mother for the match-making. However, the girls have designs of their own. Enter two guys and then these guys and girls fall in and out of love. Malati`s brother, who specializes in fixing things that are not broken, arrives on the scene. What ensues is a clash of wits! This page-turner is developed through snappy dialogues and fast paced sequence of events. The words `pandemonium` and `chaos` pale in comparison to what the climax offers. A rollickingly funny roller-coaster ride.

Book Content of 2 guys 3 girls and a mad professor
1. Marital Bliss
2. Scheming Sisters
3. Loves At First Sight
4. Matchmaking In The Train
5. A Cae of a Missing Mother-in.law
6. Machinations At The Movies
7. Bombay Beggars Corporations
8. Thdor Kings & Histology of Testicles
9. Multiple Options
10. Bargain Hunting
11. Love Finds Voice
12. Chaos Theory − Episode One − Prakash
13. One Down One to Go
14. Gupta Dynasty
15. The Third Girl
16. Lull Before the Stonn
17. The Gathering
18. Who is Prajakta?
19. At Last
20. Epilogue
Student Dollar Price


Library Dollar Price




Year of publication




Dr. Ravindra Godse
