Look Inside

Human Resource Management in Modern India

This decade long labour of love is a well researched and well presented postgraduate level textbook meant to be used in B-Schools and covers the syllabus of most Indian Universities insofar as Human Resources Management is concerned. It is specifically aimed at those students who are specialising in HR at the MMS MBA and PGDBM levels. The intention is that the student buys the book in Semester I and uses it up until Semester IV.

The combined effort of a political economist and a behavioural scientist, both of who are now based in Northern India, has given this student-friendly book a multi-disciplinary flavour. A comprehensive bibliography and a question bank given herein make it essential for students of HR writing their project reports and preparing for their examinations.

To make reading and understanding easy, the book is divided into two discrete parts. The first comprehensively deals with the theory of Human Resources Management and here the input of Jayashree Sadri has been predominant. The second posits cases stratified by function and drawn from real-life examples mostly from Eastern India. Here, the input of Sorab Sadri has been predominant. These cases are copyrighted by him and used in earlier published books as well as in training sessions with success. The intention here is to allow the reader to link theory with practice and assist understanding of this subject all that more. In sum, this textbook is a seminal work, which must adorn the book shelf of every HR professional across the country.


Contents :

Chapter 1 : The Origin, Scope, and Subject Matter of HRM
Chapter 2 : HRM, Business, and Strategy
Chapter 3 : Assessing the Internal Environment
Chapter 4 : Scanning the External Environment
Chapter 5 : Managerial Styles Audit
Chapter 6 : Spotting Danger Signals and Taking Strategic Action
Chapter 7 : The HR Expert’s Guide to Effective Intervention
Chapter 8 : Organizational Structure and Design
Chapter 9 : Industrial Relations
Chapter 10 : HR Planning and Competency Mapping
Chapter 11 : Conventional Performance Management Systems
Chapter 12 : Modern Performance Management Systems
Chapter 13 : Human Resources and Organizational Development
Chapter 14 : Training and Development
Chapter 15 : Evaluation of Training Intervention
Chapter 16 : Human Resource Information Systems
Chapter 17 : Corporate Culture Building
Chapter 18 : Role of HR in Containing Unethical Managerial Behaviour
Chapter 19 : HR and the Management of Change
Chapter 20 : HR Interventions − BPR, BPO, and KPO
Chapter 21 : Manpower Retention Strategies in a High Tech Environment
Chapter 22 : Organizational Excellence and Business Sustainability
A Note on Using the Case Study Method
Section I : Short Case Studies in Strategic Management
Section II : Short Case Studies in Training and Development
Section III : Short Case Studies in Human Resources Planning
Section IV : Short Case Studies in Corporate Culture
Section V : Short Case Studies in Industrial Relations
Question Bank


Year of publication









Student Dollar Price



Dr. S. Sadri


Himalaya pub