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Introductory Managerial Economics – I


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Managerial Economics is a core subject under management studies.

Recently, University of Mumbai has introduced a new curriculum for management studies in degree course at the undergraduate level.

Though there is no dearth of books on the subject of economics / business economic / managerial economics, none of them by themselves can adequately fulfil the requirements of this new syllabus.

This volume is intended to serve as a comprehensive / standard textbook on Managerial Economic’s paper for the F.Y.B.M.S. (Second Semester) Degree course of the Mumbai University, with a new approach.

The author humbly claims the following distinctive features of the book :

– It thoroughly discusses the new syllabus of the Mumbai University for the F.Y.B.M.S. (Second Semester) Degree course paper on “Managerial Economics”.
– In the framework of the book, special care has been taken to avoid gaps in the sequential arrangement of topics and logical development of concepts and ideas of economic theory and their relevance to business economics.
– Topics covered the discussed are discussed, as far as possible, in a fairly self-contaminated manner.
– It is self-explanatory.
– It is lucid and simple.
– Brief Case Studies on demand forecasting, elasticity and production have been incorpoated in the relevant chapters.



Unit – I Introduction to Managerial Economics
1. Nature, Scope and Role of managerial Economic
3. Elasticity of Demand
4. Consumer’s Surplus
5. Supply
Unit – II Production, Cost and Revenue
6. Production Function
7. Economics of Scale and Scope
8. Cost
9. Revenue
Unit – III Market
10. Market Structure
11. Perfect Competition
12. Monopoly
13. Price Discrimination
Unit – IV Oligopoly And monopolistic Competition
14. Oligopoly
15. Monopolistic Competition
16. Pricing Policies and Strategies


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Year of publication




Durgesh Kumar Dubey


Himalaya pub