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Marketing of Service in Goobalized World

Services marketing is a wide subject to cover as it is both, business to consumer (B2C) and business to busitness (B@B) services. It also includes wide number of sectors such as telecommunications services, financial services, all types of hospitality, tourism, leisure and entertainment services, Phenomenal growth and India has been one of the biggest beneficiary of this growth.

This book is an attempt to link Service Sector growth in India with the growth worldwide. The chapters are written in simple language keeping in consideration that this book will be read by both Undergraduate and Postgraduate Students. This book is an attempt to focus on the concept through practical examples and case studies. Many years of teaching and practicing during professional career together, with request from my students and colleagues had prompted me to author this book. Thus, an effort has been made to ensure that the coverage of the subject is comprehensive and contemporary.



1. Introduction
2. Consumer Behaviour In Services
3. Product and Pricing Decisions
4. Place and Promotion Decisions
5. Extended Service Marketing Mix For Services
6. Service Quality
7. Managing Demand and Capacity
8. Customer Retention
9. Financial services
10. tourism and Hospitality Services
11. Health Services
12. Educational services
13. Professional Support Services: Advertising Agencies
14. Product Support Services


Year of publication







282 (In Grams)

Book Code



Dr. Sanjeev Chaturvedi


Himalaya pub