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Hand Book on Personal Wealth Management Post Pandemic


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This book is a Hand Book on Personal Wealth Management. It has been written especially as to how to deal with Wealth Management post pandemic due to various challenges and constraints it has posed in our daily life. It is user-friendly, simple to read and understand and covers basically all areas of investment world. This book is intended to assist with your personal wealth management with a mission to educate you that wealth management has to and can be done by yourself instead of seeking professional assistance, irrespective of your profession or vocation. It is useful to all citizens of the country especially senior citizens who might want to preserve the wealth they have earned.

In this book, you will discover and learn:

– Self-learning and practicing Personal Wealth Management is need of the hour.
– What is the investment world and how to reach them from risk point of view?
– Dos and don’ts while looking for investments to be made as per your profile, needs, goals and objectives.
– A special chapter devoted for senior citizens who are facing the agony of the pandemic more than anybody in this world.

Please remember that Personal Wealth Management is a valuable tool available to you. Do it with passion, dedication, sincerity and make it worthwhile without having to reach out for help for every small thing. The satisfaction of successfully managing your wealth yourself is immeasurable.


Contents –

1. Introduction
2. Personal Wealth Management – What It is and Why It is Important Now?
3. Profile – First Understand Then Go Ahead
4. Know about Assets – Asset Class and Asset Allocation
5. Present Investment Products in the Market
6. Insurance
7. Least Risky Investment Products
8. Semi-risky Investment Products
9. Risky Investment Products
10. Ultra-risky Investment Products
11. Further Knowledge Topics Worth Knowing
12. Words of Wisdom to Senior Citizens
13. Final Sermon – PWM – Its Mission and Vision


Year of publication






Library Dollar Price




Mr. M. Ganeshan


Himalaya pub