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The HandBook on Management Cases (Vol. I)


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This book emphasises how people understand issues and dilemmas that pose challenges to employees and decision-makers. These problems have a significant bearing on employees careers and organisational effectiveness. Case incidents equip business management students to identify triggers that influence work culture, leadership styles, workplace dynamics, employees relations, etc., across organisations, diciplines, and hierarchies. We offer experiences, insights, and expertise to handle your workplace problems successfully and ultimately create an employee-friendly, vibrant working culture.

In addition to reading this book, you might want to seek the services and professional advice of a coach, business psychologist, or consultant. Each of them should be able to offer you tailored, detailed and impartial counsel on the more challenging interpersonal and intrapersonal issues you might face at work.


Contents –

Case Incident 1 : The Paradox of Overpromise
Case Incident 2 : The Champion of Employees’ Retention and Culture Building
Case Incident 3 : Strange Habit of General Manager
Case Incident 4 : INR 2 Recovery from MLA
Case Incident 5 : The Chameleons at Work
Case Incident 6 : Defeating Discouragement
Case Incident 7 : At the Crossroads
Case Incident 8 : The Pitfalls of Incompetent Leadership
Case Incident 9 : The Power of Honesty
Case Incident 10 : Off-the-clock vs. Work-life Balance
Case Incident 11 : Overcoming Employees’ Resistance
Case Incident 12 : The Price of Trust
Case Incident 13 : The Nightmare of Targets
Case Incident 14 : Kureshi’s Dilemma
Case Incident 15 : The Perils of Corporate Social Responsibilities
Teaching Notes
Possible Solutions


Year of publication







310 (In Grams)

Book Code

Student Dollar Price




Ajay Gupta


Himalaya pub