
A. Lenin Jothi

A. Lenin Jothi is a research scholar from Jamia Millia Islamia, Delhi, a central university and a faculty member of management at Kasturi Ram College of Higher Education, affiliated to GGSIP University, Delhi. He has the master`s degree in management (MBA) from Bharathidasan University, Tamil Nadu. He has 4 years of industry experience and 7 years of academic experience. He has rich experience in management education and research. He has been teaching Financial Mathematics, Quantitative Techniques, Marketing Research, and various subjects on Insurance. A. Lenin Jothi has also been associated with reputed management institutes as a visiting faculty. Reading, writing and teaching always remained his main passion. A. Lenin Jothi has to his credit developed books on the following subjects for both MBA and PGDIM (Insurance Management) students of different Indian universities: Life and Group Insurance, Insurance Principles and Practices, Risk and Treasury Management, Insurance Law, Principles and Practice of Life Insurance, and Principles and Practice of General Insurance.