
A.T. Mishra

A. T. Mishra - Honoured with National Award 2012 for excellence in the field of education by the President of India and KVS National Incentive Award 2011 by the HRD Minister of India, apart from awards by many other eminent personalities and organizations of national and international repute in the field of education. M. A. (English), B.Ed. (Utkal University), PGDTE (EFL University), Hyderabad. Graduated from BJB College, Bhubaneswar, Odisha with Honours in English and Distinction. Post- graduated from Ravenshaw University, Cuttack, Odisha with special paper "Linguistics" (including Phonetics and Grammar). 34 years of teaching experience in English Language, Grammar, Phonetics and Literature. 16 years of rich experience as Principal in NVS and KVS. Presently, working as Principal, Kendriya Vidyalaya, No. 1, Bhubaneswar, Odisha under KVS, Ministry of Human Resource Management, Government of India. Visited schools and other institutes in Germany in Indo-European Educational Exchange Programme sponsored by KVS and Goethe Institute, India. Head Examiner and Chief Nodal Supervisor of CBSE for evaluation of English answer-scripts of Class X and XII. Speaker on English Language and Literature, Linguistics and Phonetics in different schools, colleges and universities on seminars and workshops. Worked as Director in 21 In-service Courses for English Language Teachers – PRTs, TGTs, PGTs (English) and Principals of KVS at regional and national level. Participated in World Education Summit in New Delhi and Hyderabad thrice as delegate and Speaker.