
B. Raghavendra Rao

B. Raghavendra Rao is a multi-dimensional person. His sweep of working knowledge in various disciplines is immense; it covers subjects as varied as Ballistics to Statistics, Physics to Politics, Chemistry to History, Economics to Social Science and Maths to Logic. He is fundamentally a mathematician, being a double post-graduate in pure Maths and Mathematical Physics. As a college lecturer, he gained proficiency in Physics and Applied Maths. During his tenure in Proof and Experimental Establishment, Chandipore, Directorate of Armaments, Aeronautics and standardization under the Ministry of Defence, New Delhi, he handled teaching assignments on Computer Science and Defence oriented subjects. He has also an expertise in strategic studies. He has good command over English and his mother tongue Telugu. He is also conversant in Hindi, Punjabi and Urdu. He began letter-writting to different newspapers as a pastime. And, his present book "A Chronicle of Letters" is a compendium of all such letters. He is presently engaged in writing a book on Bhagwan Krishna, the exponent of Bhagwad Gita, bringing out his all pervasive myriad character and personality. He is a Senior (life) Member of Computer Society of India and Life Member of Systems Society of India.