
Dr. G. Radha Kiranmayi

Dr. G. Radha Kiranmayi is a distinguished academician renowned for her expertise in management education. She is currently serving as an Associate Professor at Pendekanti Institute of Management (PIM), Hyderabad. Her academic journey is underpinned by a robust educational foundation, culminating in a Ph.D. in Management from the esteemed University of Hyderabad. Complementing her doctoral degree, Dr. Kiranmayi holds an MBA and a B.Tech, attesting to her diverse academic background and multidisciplinary approach to education. Beyond her roles within the classroom,
Dr. Kiranmayi is deeply committed to advancing academic excellence. Her extensive publication record, active involvement in conferences, and acquisition of certifications from prestigious national and international universities showcase her unwavering commitment to the pursuit of knowledge. Engaging in scholarly activities further underscores her dedication, highlighting her relentless efforts to contribute meaningfully to her field. As a resource person for various Faculty Development Programs (FDPs) and workshops, and as an esteemed external examiner for reputable institutions, Dr. Kiranmayi plays a pivotal role in enriching educational standards and fostering professional development within the academic community. Her passion for teaching and unwavering dedication to student success serve as guiding principles, driving her relentless pursuit of excellence in management education.