
Dr.Geeta S. Mehta

Dr.Geeta S. Mehta is Head of the Department Logic and Philosophy at Maharshi Dayanand College, Parel, Bombay. She is a recognized post-graduate lecturer in the University of Bombay since 1977. She is also a recognized guide for Ph. D. in the University of Bombay. She has presented several papers at the National and the International Philosophical Conference. Different research papers of her have been published in a tri-monthly International journal `Gandhi-Marg` as well as in Bombay University annual report. Some important papers of Dr. Mehta Include `Yajna` as a Cosmic obligation in a book `Freedom, Dharma and Right` published by North American Society for Social Philosophy and an article on `Sthitaprajna: Acarya Vinoba Bhave`s exposition` in a book named `The concept of Sthitaparjna`. Her recent book on memories of Shivaji Bhave ahs been published by Paramdham Prakashan in Hindi as `Aba : Apne Sabdonme`. Her field of specialization is Indian Philosophy with special reference to four Acaryas-Samkaracarya, Ramanujacarya, Vallabhacarya and Madhvacarya. She has also specialized in contemporary Indian Philosophy of Gandhi and Vinoba Bhave. From 1960 to 1965, Dr. Geeta Mehta moved on foot from village to village studying India culture and philosophy with Acarya Vinoba Bhave during his trekkings through India. After marriage in 1965, she remained in close contact with the Gandhian stalwarts like Swami Anand, Shivaji Bhave, Kaka Kalelkar, Jayaprakash Narayan and Dada Dharmadhikari.