
Dr. Shubhada Marathe

Dr. Shubhada Marathe holds Masters Degrees (M.A. and M.B.A. in Marketing) and a Doctorate in Tourism from Pune University. She is currently a Professor at the Institute of Management and Career Courses (IMCC) and Indira Gandhi National Open University (IGNOU). She has taught at leading Tourism colleges and has also done a short stint at IIM Bengaluru. Dr. Marathe has worked in leading Tourism Companies as marketing in charge and has been involved with the planning and conduct of tours. Dr. Marathe has worked as a consultant to several Tourism companies, Motels and Hotels handling project planning and implementation. She has conducted surveys for tourism companies including customer surveys and quality implementation checks. She has conducted training programmes at all levels and also independently conducted Tourism courses. Dr. Marathe has written several articles on Tourism and Hospitality sector in referred journals. She has attended several comferences and received awards for her contribution to them.