
Megha Singh

Dr. Megha Singh (Born 29-07-1984) has been an outstanding student from her very school days and has obtained four first divisions. She is a postgraduate of Lucknow University (2007) and topped her batch to win the gold medal awarded to the most meritorious student. Besides this, she has also been recipient of Prena Award and Eva Shipston Memorial Award for being a meritorious and all round students in her graduation. She has recently completed her Ph.D. (2012) in Community Psychology from Lucknow University and the topic of her research was "Mental Health, Quality of Life and Relational World of Slum Dwellers". She was also awarded Junior Research Fellowship of the U.G.C. In this short period she had acquired experience as a psychologist in SWASTI Counseling Centre for two years and has also taught students of MBA (HR) Counseling and Guidance in the university of Lucknow. Presently, she is working as a lecturer in Amity University, Lucknow since July 2011. She has presented papers in various conferences / seminars and has to her credit over half a dozen papers published in different journals. Dr. Megha Singh has also developed a tool to measure anxiety, depression and stress among people. This tool is bilingual in nature and is therefore, applicable for the semi-literate population as well. Moreover, she regularly conducts workshops on self-awareness, self-esteem, team building, counseling techniques and stress management for corporate organizations, defence personnel and university students.