
O.R. Krishnaswami

Prof. Krishnaswami, is an eminent scholar and a writer. He has contributed over 100 papers to leading journals, has conducted and guided many research projects, and has participated and presented papers in many regional and national seminars. He has directed several workshops on methodology of research. He was on the Working Group on Research and extension appointed by the Ministry of Education and Youth Services, Government of India in 1970, and on the Working Groups on Agricultural Finance, and the Special Working Group on Commerce Education, Tamil Nadu Planning Commission during 1971-73. He worked as a visiting research consultant in Hasanuddin University. He is associated with academic bodies of several Universities and Professional bodies. After serving as Professor and Dean Faculty of Commerce and Management Studies, Bangalore for a decade and half, Dr. Krishnaswami was working as Visiting Professor in Department of Management Studies, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore for three years. Currently, he is adjunct Professor of Management in National University, San Jose, U.S.A. His publications include : Essentials of Commerce, Co-operative Democracy in Action, Co-operative Accounting-keeping, Co-operative Audit, Administrative Handbook for Co-operative Department, Methodology of Research in Social Sciences, MBO, the Concept and Methodology, and Fundamentals of Co-operation.