
Prof. D.P. Sharma

Prof. D. P. Sharma has been engaged in teaching in the area of Computer Science & Engineering, along with I. T. Management, and he is also an active investigator in the field of computer science research since last two decades. He has been working as permanent teacher and also as part time and visiting faculty member at various institutions of repute. He has published many scientific papers in various scientific journals of national repute in the field of computer science. He is a senior corporate member of Computer Science Teachers` Association (CSTA-ACM), USA, Institution of Electronics & Telecommunication Engineers (IETE), India, and Indian Association for Research in Computing Science (Tata Institute of Fundamental Research), India. He is presently continuing in teaching as well as in the scientific research, and also sparing time in writing technical books. His areas of special interest are Artificial Intelligence, Operating Systems and Business Applications. Throughout this period he has been more concerned in converting the traditional teaching pattern into an easily graspable teaching paradigm that has been proved very helpful to the students at various levels and standards. Prof. D. P. Sharma has a wide background of research and teaching in computer science along with training to various segments of society requiring understanding and practices in utilization of computer applications, e.g., entrepreneurs, government officers, etc. His comprehensive, lucid and well documented style of writing provides a new approach in educational writings and makes the entire text quite understandable even by the freshers, thus the learning becomes quite interesting and fast. His emphasis on diagrammatic representations makes the topic more clear to the learners hence the topic becomes easy enough even for self learning sessions. He loves to discuss even the tough concepts in a very lucid manner that can be grasped by the readers without any further reference. The present field of consideration of the writer is application of information technology in business, namely, e-business, as the retail business is earmarked in the recent time as a booming business that may cause a huge economic flow to set through entire globe in the years to come. Thus, the author believes that, to expedite the fluidity of economy across the boundary, the technology (Information Technology0 must negotiate the business domain and prepare a conducive and productive background to support the entire system. This book is a best documentation of the adopted for the new era business process (i.e., e-Retailing) as well as, the technologies that are yet to be implemented at a massive scale.