
Shri. Shyam Lal Gaur

Shri Shyam Lal Gaur, B.Com. LLB. CAIIB was born and raised at Alwar (Rajasthan). He is presently working as Deputy General Manager, Reserve Bank of India and Secretary, Office of the Banking Ombudsman, Ahmedabad. Has served as Member of Faculty, College of Agricultural Banking, Reserve Bank of India (RBI) Pune for over eight years. Has also worked as Lead District Officer / Rural Credit Officer in Rural Planning and Credit Department and erstwhile Agricultural Credit Department of RBI. Was also on the board of Director of two Regional Rural Banks (RRBs) for over five years. Conducted, supervised and was associated with the inspection of co-operative banks. Detected a multiple fraud during the course of such an inspection.       Has been invited as guest speaker to deliver talksby reputed/leading institutions like National Institute of Bank Management (NIBM), Vaikunth Mehta National Institute of Co-operative Management (VAMNICOM), Yashwantrao Chavan Institute of Development Administration (YASHDA) etc. on development banking, management of rural credit, priority sector lending, poverty alleviation programmes, recovery management, customer service, frauds in banks etc.      Conducted numbers of special studies on areas connect with banking, village governance and planning for development. One of the special studies on ‘SEWA’ has been widely acclaimed. Participated in and conducted a number of national level Seminars / workshops on Banking and Rural development. Was a paper setter and examiner for a premier management institute of the country. Visited three countries - Thailand, Indonesiaand Philippines as a member of the study team sponsored by Asia Pacific Rural and Agricultural Credit Association (APRACA) to study financial innovations and Self HelpGroups.       Authored six books in Hindi on subjects likeRecovery Management in Banks, Development Banking and Rural development. Frauds in Banks — Precautions and Preventive measures. Financing of Agricultural Projects — Practices and Procedures and Banking Ombudsman. One of the books "Vikasman Bankingand Gramin Vikas" was selected as one of the best books written in Hindi for the prestigious National Award presented by Hon. President of India. (Details of books published may be seen inside this book). Edited a CAB publication ‘Financing of Women Entrepreneurs’, was on editorial committee for the quarterly journal "CABCalling."      Has been contributing articles/papers in Indian and International Journals of repute on banking and management of rural development.    I would like to express my sincere gratitude toShri V.S. Das Regional Director Reserve Bank of India, Ahmedabad who not only encouraged me to proceed with the task but also for writing a forward for the book inspite of his busy schedule.    The book could not have been possible but for the support, unstinting patience and understanding by my wife Smt. Santosh Gaur despite her illness.       I owe a lot to my publishers, Himalaya PublishingHouse, Mumbai who have always been coope