
V.B. Kale

V.B. Kale has completed his M.Sc., B.Ed., NET and Ph.D. Recently, he is working as Assistant Professor in Department of Geography in K.R.T. Arts, B.H. Commerce and A.M. Science (KTHM) College, Nashik, Maharashtra. He has a teaching experience of 16 years and research experience of 11 years. He has completed two minor research funded by UGC, New Delhi and BCUD, SPPU, Pune. More than 10 international papers and 6 national research papers have been published by him. He has an interest in the writing of article in newspapers. On social issues, he has written 6 articles and published in various newspapers. He has completed 6 technical courses including NNRMS at Dehradun. He has administrative experience and worked as Head of the Department (HOD) for 10 years and College Examination Officer (CEO) for 3 years. He visited to Poland (Cracow) and presented research paper through poster presentation. He is recognized Ph.D. Research Guide in Geography by SPPU, Pune.