
Vishwanath Murthy

Vishwanath Murthy is a PG in Economics and Ph.D. in Financial Economics. He is a Certified Associate of Indian Institute of Bankers (CAIIB) and holds a Diploma in Taxation and Certificate in Industrial Finance. He commenced his career at IFMR, Chennai, from where he moved to MDI, Gurgaon. Thereafter, he worked in Corporation Bank (merged with Union Bank of India) appraising industrial projects and later joined Allwyn Nissan Ltd. (merged with Mahindra & Mahindra) as a Finance Manager. After a brief stint as a financial consultant, he joined Stock Holding Corporation of India as Vice President and Advisor. Upon leaving Stock Holding Corporation of India, his services were retained by TUV India Pvt. Ltd., TUV Rheinland (India) Pvt. Ltd., and KBS Certification Services Pvt. Ltd. as a financial expert for validation of CDM projects. He has validated more than 500 projects during his association with the three organizations. He has more than four decades of experience in the financial services sector including teaching, research and consultancy.