
Y.A. Panditrao

Yashwant A. Panditrao, a postgraduate in Economics of Pune University, served Khadi and V.I Commission for three and half decades in the Directorate of economics Research; of which, he became the head in1972 and continued till his retirement in 1987. He retired as joint Chief Executive officer of the KVIC. He has been recognized as an authority on KVI. He was associated with several Committees and working groups appointed by the Government of India and the KVIC. He was the member secretary of KHADI and V.I. Review Committee appointed by the Government of India and the KVIC. He was the member secretary of khadi and V.I, review Committee appointed by the Government of India (1987). Several field studies were undertaken under his Guidance. He has to his credit several research papers and notes and he participated in a number of symposia and seminars. He contributed in formulation and implementation of policies and programmes of KVIC. He was invited to write a paper by international labour Organisation (ILO) on “Transfer of technology in (KVI)-(KVIC) experiences.” He was a member of Government delegation, which visited Nepal to explore possibilities of developing Small Scale Industries. He has to his credit publications on ‘Land Reforms’ (in Marathi), ‘Institutional Financing for Cottage and Village Industries’ and ‘Sugar Yielding Palms of India’.In recognition of his association with the Gandhian ideology and work in KVI which was dearer to Gandhiji, he was appointed as a Trustee of Mani Bhavan in 1990. He is also Hon. Adviser to Maharashtra State KVI Board and Consultant to National Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development