Himalaya Publishing House


Bangalore University Semester books are available.

Bangalore University Semester books are available.

Asian Grid Leadership Award for Excellence to Prof. Bholanath Dutta

Prof. Bholanath Dutta conferred upon the prestigious and well-known “Asian Grid Leadership Award for Excellence in Management Education 2012” by Grid India along with one award each from Bangladesh and Sri Lanka. He will be getting award in the 14th Annual convention on Leadership on 29th Nov. 2012 at Mumbai. The earlier recipients of the awards include Chairman IOC, Hindustan Petroleum and Other well known Personalities in India and Other Asian Countries. His contribution towards Management Education and Scholarly works got a big recognition after he got his First Award of “Best Professor 2009” by 24/7 – A Leading US Company and which also got good coverage in Times of India.

“Turn Around India” By R. P. Gupta

“Review from Mr. Narendra Modi” as below:

Publishing a book named “Turn Around India” with the aim of creating economic awareness among masses and to provide the practical and viable options for reviving Indian economy in public interest is quite relevant and significant in the present scenario.

Devoting time from professional engagements to publish a book narrating the economic condition and reforms based on your expertise and experience reflects your concern and commitment for the nation, which deserves to be appreciated.

In the present scenario, India is the nation fortunate of having sixty-five percent of its population of youngsters, which is the highest among countries of the world. To realize this youth potential and utilize it for the growth and development of the nation, is the need of the hour. With reference to this, the book going to be published for spreading economic awareness and positive atmosphere for making better economy will be useful and motivating source. My warm greetings and best wishes for publishing the book “Turn Around India” and its success.

Everyday Yoga By Dr. Vaijayanti Pandit

We had a great opportunity to participate in the wellness Industry Conference organized by FICCI, at Hotel Leela, on 15th Sept. 2011 in Mumbai. Hon. Min. Mr. Subodh Kant Sahai, “Minister of Tourism and Culture” & Hon. Min. Mr. Suresh Shetty, Maharashtra State, inaugurated the conference. Our book “Everyday Yoga” by Vaijayanti Pandit, was well appreciated by the ministers and all the participants, who were the notable personalities of the wellness Industry.

Life Time Achievement Award

Dr. N.M. Khandelwal has been honoured by Conferring Life Time Achievement Award by Indian Accounting Association.

Abstract of Prize Distribution Function

This month on 5th September 2015, on Teacher’s Day, Illustratious teachers in various fields were being felicitated.

The venue was:
Indian Institute of Design and Innovation (IIDI), Parel Mumbai.

Higher Education Forum distributed this prestigious Memorial Awards at the hands of well-known dignitaries.

HIMALAYA PUBLISHING HOUSE PVT. LTD., was one of the sponsors of the award function along with other famous sponsors.

The function was represented by Shri Anuj Pandey. He was the invited dignitary presented awards to Illustratious Teachers. Shri S.K. Srivastava, Regional Manager (Gujarat, Pune and Mumbai) assisted in the activities.

Dignitaries Invited :

1. Dr. M.G. Shirahati – D.G. Oriental Int. of Management

2. Dr. N.M Kondap – D.G Kohinoor Business School

3. Dr. A.K Sengupta – Founder and Convener, HEF

4. Shri Rangnekar – EMINENT & Legendry, Management Guru

5. Shri S.P Agrawal – Past President Bombay Management Association

6. Dr. Vinod Tiberwala – Chairman J.J.T University

Launch of a Book on Micro-finance

A book on Micro-finance by authors Mr. O.C. Rana and Mr. Hem Raj published by Himalaya Publishing House Pvt. Ltd., Mumbai was released by Er. S.K. Punj, Chancellor, Sri Sai University Palampur and Chairman SSGI Badhani and Mrs. Tripta Punj, Managing Director, SSGI Badhani on 21st December 2015 at a function in Sri Sai University Palampur (H.P). Dr. Naresh Nagpal, Vice Chancellor of Sri Sai University Palampur (H.P), Dr. R. K. Seth, Pro Vice Chancellor, Sh. A.N Gupta, Registrar, Dr. K.C Kapoor, Dean (Academics), Sh. Inderjeet Singh, COE, Dr. K.K. Parmar, Dean (SW) cum HoD Management, Dr. Sen, Dr. Sunil (Deans) and all HoDs were present at the occasion.

O.C. Rana, MBA (Finance), MA (Economics), CAIIB and Pursuing Ph. D (Management) is presently Director (Training & Placement) cum Assistant Professor (Management) in Sri Sai University Palampur (H.P). He is former Assistant General Manager, State Bank of India and Chairman, Regional Rural Bank (PGB).

Hem Raj, MBA (HR), MA (English) and pursuing Ph. D in the Management field. He is presently working as Assistant Professor (Management) in Sri Sai University, Palampur.

The purpose of this book is to acquaint the MBA Finance students, Diploma for Microfinance Professionals and Diploma / Certificate Examination in Rural Credit students with the contents and latest developments in field of Microfinance. Though primarily meant to be a textbook on Microfinance for management students, the book promises to be of interest to management practitioners, administrators, executives as well in the banking, finance, micro credit and rural credit sector. An idea of writing this book was supplemented by the demand from our students of Management to write a simpler and comprehensive version on the subject for whom no other book covering entire syllabus is available.

The Case Studies with suggestive answers in all the chapters and sub chapters link theoretical concepts with the real world scenarios and make this book extremely student – friendly. The book will also prove to be useful for the officials of the Public and Private Sector Banks in general and the RRB and Cooperative Sector Banks in particular, who are according priority for expansion in rural areas and promoting micro finance.

माइक्रो-फाइनेंस पर एक पुस्तक का विमोचन

श्री ओ.सी राणा और श्री हेम राज द्वारा लिखित और हिमालय पब्लिशिंग हाउस प्राइवेट लिमिटेड, मुंबई द्वारा प्रकाशित किताब माइक्रो वित्त का Er. एस.के. पुंज, कुलपति, श्री साई यूनिवर्सिटी पालमपुर और अध्यक्ष SSGI Badhani और श्रीमती तृप्ता पुंज, प्रबंध निदेशक, SSGI Badhani द्वारा 21 दिसंबर, 2015 को श्री साई यूनिवर्सिटी पालमपुर (हिमाचल प्रदेश) एक समारोह मे विमोचन किया । डॉ नरेश नागपाल, कुलपति, श्री साई यूनिवर्सिटी पालमपुर (हिमाचल प्रदेश) डॉ आर के सेठ, प्रो वाइस चांसलर, श्री ए एन गुप्ता, रजिस्ट्रार, डॉ केसी कपूर, डीन (अकादमिक), श्री इंदरजीत सिंह, सीओई, डॉ के.के. परमार, डीन (छात्र कल्याण) सह विभागाध्यक्ष प्रबंधन, डॉ सेन, डॉ सुनील (डीन) और सभी विभागाध्यक्षों इस अवसर पर उपस्थित थे।

श्री ओ.सी राणा, एमबीए (वित्त), एमए (अर्थशास्त्र), सीएआईआईबी, वर्तमान में निदेशक (प्रशिक्षण एवं प्लेसमेंट) cum सहायक प्रोफेसर (प्रबंधन) श्री साई यूनिवर्सिटी पालमपुर व पूर्व सहायक महाप्रबंधक, भारतीय स्टेट बैंक और पूर्व चेयरमैन, क्षेत्रीय ग्रामीण बैंक (PGB) है।

श्री हेम राज, एमबीए (मानव संसाधन), एमए (अंग्रेजी) और पीएचडी (Pursuing)। वर्तमान में श्री साई विश्वविद्यालय में सहायक प्रोफेसर (प्रबंधन), पालमपुर के रूप में काम कर रहा है।

इस पुस्तक का उद्देश्य एमबीए वित्त छात्रों, माइक्रोफाइनेंस पेशेवरों और डिप्लोमा के लिए Texrbook परिचित कराने के लिए है किताब प्रबंधन, प्रशासकों, अधिकारी के रूप में अच्छी तरह से बैंकिंग, वित्त, माइक्रो क्रेडिट और ग्रामीण ऋण सेक्टर के लिए है।

India CSR Author Award to CA. Bimal R. Bhatt for authoring the book titled ‘Indian Corporate Citizenship’ (Case Study on CSR)

Coveted award falls under the category of ​’India CSR Leadership​ Award’ for giving Leadership in documenting the key changes of the new age Indian CSR scenario from the earlier practices and disseminating it. ​The Award Ceremony, this year, will be held at the Hotel Sahara Star, Mumbai, India​ on May 26, 2017​.

India CSR Awards is one of the prestigious recognitions honouring the outstanding and innovative CSR, Sustainability and Social Enterprise Projects and leadership in CSR. The Award has been instituted to recognize the innovative CSR Practices in India.

The forum will honour leaders from corporate, NGO, social enterprise and individuals in below mentioned categories: CSR Life Time Achievement Award, CSR Person of the Year Award, CSR Professional of the Year Awards, CSR Manager of the Year Awards, CSR Author of the Year Awards, Women CSR Leader Awards, Philanthropist of the Year Awards, Social entrepreneurs of the Year Awards, Green Leadership Awards, NGO Leadership Awards, Sanitation Leadership Awards (Corporate), Sanitation Leadership Awards (Individual), NGO Category: CSR Implementing Partner Awards.

We accept online payments from UPI, Paytm Wallet, Debit/Credit Cards, Net Banking.

We accept online payments from UPI, Paytm Wallet, Debit/Credit Cards, Net Banking.

E-books available of all books on our eReader “ipublishcentral” For enquiries write to us on “[email protected]

E-books available of all books on our eReader “ipublishcentral” For enquiries write to us on “[email protected]

Woman of Excellence Award to Dr. Suja R. Nair

Dr. Suja R. Nair is a self-motivated professional, with a work experience spanning over 27 years, combining corporate, academics and research. As a passionate researcher and author, she has been associated with Himalaya Publishing House since 1999 when her first book entitled; “Consumer Behaviour (Text and Cases)” was published. Subsequently, she has published many more books broadly in areas of Retail Management, Consumer Behaviour, Marketing Research and Organisational Behaviour. She is the Editor of top global publications; published research works in top ranked International Journals and an Honorary Rosalind Member of the London Journals Press. Very recently, Dr. Suja was conferred the title “Women of Excellence Award 2021” by the Indian Achievers’ Forum in the category of “Individual Researcher and Author” at the National Atmanirbhar Bharat E-Summit held on 22nd October 2021.

Heartfelt Condolences

Our Heartfelt Condolences on the sad demise of our Author and Professor Sahastrabuddhe who has been respected and followed by his patrons through his writings will be fondly remembered for a long time to come.