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A Text Book of Human Resource Management


SKU: 5eaff1827668 Category:

The demand for qualified business executives have been on increase and the process of “Globalisation” has given a further boost to this demand.

The Indian Universities have therefore opened up a course at graduate level leading to a degree in Bachelor of Management Studies and also Human Resource Management is one of core subjects taught in this Graduate level course.

A need for next book for these students has regulated in the production of this book. The book fulfils the need of the graduate level students of Management Studies. The syllabus is tailor made to suit the needs students who join he course in a college affiliated to Mumbai University and other Universities. The book contains basic material outlined in the course the students are expected to study other subjects as well.

The book is designed to suit the needs of beginners I Management Studies. The book is comprehensive covering all topic in the Human resource Management.


Contents –

Section I

1. Introduction to Human Resource – Personnel Management
2. Functions of Personnel Management
3. Personnel Management in India
4. Human Resource Planning
5. Job Analysis, Job Design – Job Evaluation
6. Recruitment and Selection Process
Section II

7. Promotions, Transfers Job Rotation and Career Planning, Career Development
8. Training and Development
9. Performance Appraised
10. Wage Salary Administration, Incentives, Fringes Benefits and Services
11. Human Resource Management
12. Participation in Management
13. Personnel Manual
14. Human Resource Audit


Year of publication







504 (In Grams)

Book Code


Student Dollar Price




Dr. C.B. Mamoria,

S.V. Gankar


Himalaya pub