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A Text Book on Principles of Marketing (Sem 1, (NEP) Karnataka)

Student Price 260.00

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The Union Government’s remarkable and bold step to revamp the total structure, system and strategy of Indian Higher Education system is quite laudable, timely, relevant and appreciable. The NEP-2020 is a landmark decision to replace theory-oriented and skill-deprived Indian Higher Education System. NEP is a futuristic, multidisciplinary and builds greater confidence in the student community to embark upon his/her own avocation or profession because they are infused and ingrained with competency and skill sets. As a discipline specific core or discipline-specific electives or open electives, the subject Principles of Marketing for lecture, tutorial and practical classes is very imminent, inevitable and important.

The National Education Policy, 2020 heralds new hopes, new inspiration, new vistas and new destination for Commerce and Management student community. The present book is authored keeping in mind the student-centric, self-cognising and learning-based outcomes. The visionary NEP will fructify in course of time bringing greater value, utility and meaningfulness to the learners, who form the significant human capital of our country. Much emphasis is given on skill enhancement in all disciplines so that the students after completion of their program in higher educational institutions are to be enabled to set up his/her own course of carrier or entrepreneurship.

Each chapter is meticulously presented with learning objectives, detailed discussion of concepts, theories, models and living cases with examples. The book is reader-friendly and worth treasuring it for the posterity. Each chapter ends with objective, analytical and essay type questions.


Contents –

1. Introduction to Marketing
2. Consumer Behaviour and Market Segmentation
3. Product and Pricing
4. Promotion and Distribution
5. Recent Developments in Marketing
Skill Development Activities