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A Textbook of Business Management


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The concept of management is as old as human civilization. It is useful and applicable to all types of organizations, whether profit making or service-oriented. It is the oldest of arts and the youngest of sciences. Today, it is an activity, a process, a discipline and an effort to co-ordinate, control and direct individual and group efforts towards the attainment of cherished goals of business.

This book Business Management (Principles and Practice of Management) is an attempt to outline the management concept and its utility in the modern business world, specially in the Indian Scenario. This book has been designed as a basic text according to new syllabus of Calcutta University for common paper of B.Com. Honors and General Course Students in academic Session 2010-2011 onwards. It is the Module I, of the fourth paper of Commerce Group I (Paper 1-4 Chg − Module I) and carries 50 marks. This book covers the syllabus of management for the other universities also. It would be useful for B.B.A., M.B.A. and other professional courses also.

Book Content of A Textbook of Business Management
1. Introduction to Management
2. Different Schools of Management Thought; and Modern Approaches of Management
3. Planning
4. Management by Objectives (MBO) and Management by Exceptions (MBE) − Introduction, Concept and Evolution of Management by Objectives (MBO)
5. Organizing
6. Departmentation as a Structural Framework of the Organization; Authority Delegation, Centralization and Decentralization; and Span of Management
7. Motivation
8. Leadership
9. Co-ordination
10. Control
Short-type Questions and Answers
Question Paper

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Year of publication






Prof. Ritwik Haldar


Himalaya pub