A learned man takes to novel writing certainly carries enough substance for the readers seeking knowledge and understanding on relities of life. This is a unique and self absorbing novel for the readers to get into a different world replete with nostalgia of childhood, thrill, suspense, tryst, professional attrition, vindictiveness, karmic nemesis, spiritual odyssey, featured application and practices of body language, existence of God and after death.
By turning over narratives of English grammar, gaining command of English through anecdotes and stories based on author’s experiences, 13 chapters have been churned with easy words and expressions making readers getting consciously engrossed to the text.
This novel, Born 15th August, gives us a blend of understanding and wisdom to our readers.
Contents –
1. Stardust in My Eyes
2. Read Body Language of Others
3. Ode to Meaningfulness in Life
4. Astrology and Power of Mind 5. Existence of God!
6. Childhood Days of Yore
7. Sense of Bliss
8. Humanism Bleeds Honesty Dares
9. Change Your Destiny
10. Until Hell Freezes Over
11. Understanding Grammar and Use
12. Thrive on English Language
13. Reading Comprehension
English Diction
Act Your Part in Life