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Cases in Human Resource Management


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This book, the first of its kind in India, presents 26 interesting case studies in the area of human resources management. The cases simulate the real life human resource management environment in the Indian business and industry. The case book promotes learning by the case method where the managers learn by analysing problems, diagnosing central problems, finding alternative after a cost- benefit analysis. The cases are drawn from leading organisations in private, public, and cooperative sectors.

The cases cover all areas of human resource management, human resource management, human resource philosophy, policy, systems and procedures, human resource planning, recruitment and selection, training and development, compensation, promotions and transfers, motivation and morale, employee relations, organization, discipline. This volume is extremely useful to students of management and human resources management, faculty, line and staff managers, including human resources managers, and in short, to all people, who have to manage people.



Case 1.Reorganisation of Personal Department of the Great Multinational
Case 2.Personnel Policy of Trans Airways (TA)
Case 3.Five-Year Manpower Plan of Prakash Mills
Case 4.The Missing Men on
Case 5.GM Oil Corporation Plays Global Chess with its Managers
Case 6.Cama-the Brilliant
Case 7.Promotion of Ram
Case 8.The ABC Appraisal and Counselling Promotion
Case 9.God! They Are Killing Me
Case 10.Task Force on Promotion
Case 11. Read the Newspaper and Collect Your Salary
Case 12. Suggestion Systems in Industry
Case 13. Rajan-the Branch Manager
Case 14. Anyone for a Spot of Lunch
Case 15. EAM-An Experiment in Business
Case 16. A Case of Dismissal
Case 17. Mr. Peevish
Case 18. No Smoking
Case 19. General Gupta
Case 20. Akbar-the Pathan
Case 21. The Case of Mrs. Chatterjee
Case 22. Leave Your Self-Respect at Home
Case 23. A Day After Gudipadva
Case 24. Take This Transfer or Leave
Case 25. Don’t Come After Lunch
Case 26. Hope to God He Will Leave on his Own




Year of publication




Library Dollar Price




M.N. Rudrabasavaraj


Himalaya pub