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College Zoology – I


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The present title has been carefully compiled and edited to meet the long felt needs of undergraduate students and their teachers. It has been written in accordance with the new revised syllabus of S.Y. B. Sc. Class of the University of Mumbai. The subject mater has been divided in two volumes. The first volume deals with the topics like Wonders of Animal Kingdom, Developmental Biology and Cellular Organization and Ecology and Ethology. The second volume includes Biochemistry, Molecular Biology, Biotechnology, Bioinformatics, Genetics and Evolution. General characters and classification and brief description of other important types of phylum have also been dealt with complete authentic and update account.

The present title has been designed to approaches the morphology, anatomy, physiology and development of the selected type in a very simple and lucid style. The method of presentation is very clear and systematic, which can be easily followed by an educated layman. It is an adequate text for all requirements in this area for the undergraduate students. It is our earnest hope that this book will be of great value to all our students.

Contents :

  1. Characters and Classification of Protozoa
  2. Reproduction in Protozoa
  3. Characters and Classification of Porifera
  4. Canal System in Sponges
  5. Reproduction in Sponges
  6. Organization of the Metazoan
  7. Characters and Classification of Coelenterata
  8. Coral and Coral Reefs
  9. Characters and Classification of Helminthes
  10. Fasciola Hepatica
  11. Taenia Solium
  12. Characters and Classification of Annelida
  13. Characters and Classification of Mollusca
  14. Foot of Mollusca
  15. The Shelled Molluscs
  16. Torsion and Detorsion among Gastropods
  17. Characters and Classification of Arthropoda
  18. Lerval Forms in Crustacea
  19. Parasitism in Arthropoda
  20. Mouthparts in Insects
  21. Metamorphosis in Insects
  22. Characters and Classification of Echinodermata
  23. Water Vascular System in Echinodermata
  24. Development and Metamorphosis in Ascidians
  25. Swim Bladder in Fishes
  26. Breeding and Breeding Behaviour
  27. Parental Care in Fishes
  28. Parental Care in Amphibia
  29. Origin and Adaptive Radiation of Reptiles
  30. Poisonous and Non-poisonous Snakes
  31. Migration in Birds
  32. Characters and Affinities of Prototheria and Metatheria
  33. Aquatic Adaptations in Mammals
  34. Fertilization and Parthenogenesis
  35. Eggs and Cleavage
  36. Morula and Blastula
  37. Gastrulation
  38. Plasma Membrane
  39. Endoplasmic Reticulum
  40. Golgi Complex
  41. Lysosomes
  42. Mitochondria
  43. Nucleus
  44. Chromosomes
  45. Environmental Factors
  46. Light
  47. Water
  48. Soil
  49. Ecosystem
  50. Aquatic Ecosystems
  51. Terrestrial Ecosystems
  52. Biomes
  53. Biodiversity
  54. Instincts and Learning
  55. Displacement Activity
  56. Ritualization and Conflict Behaviour
  57. Biological Communication


Year of publication





856 (In Grams)

Student Dollar Price




Dr. Mohan P. Arora


Himalaya pub