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Contemporary Issues in Management


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We are presenting you our effort in the form of this edited volume of book on ‘Contemporary Issues in Management’ we aimed for bringing out vivid perspectives of Academicians and Researchers on the Management Practices in the various work settings.

Business Houses with their diverse workforce are recognized as one of the forces to the Economical Strengthening of a Nation. These organizations are working 24×7 and in the event of being productive for bringing profits, they sometimes ignore the Human Resources and their diverse needs, also due to hectic deadlines of Business Targets, Production and routine activities, there are incidences of emergence of various business problems, there are not only problems but in this dynamic environment there exists ample of scope for opening gates to the various business opportunities.

An avid reader will find this book helpful in understanding the various dimensions of Management Practices and will have advantage in knowing the ongoing scenario within the Business and Management Work Scenario.

Contents :

1. Performance of Mutual Funds: A Study of Selected Equity and Debt Schemes
–– Dr. Amit Kumar Sinha, Dr. Satyendra P. Singh
2. Impact of Stock Inclusion or Exclusion on Stock Returns: A Study of CNX Nifty
–– Virendra Pratap Rai, Dr. Anindita Chakraborty
3. Revenue Potentials in Medical Tourism: A Case Study of Gujarat
–– Mr. Sushman Sharma, Ms. Garima Sharma
4. Talent Retention Strategies for Indian Banking Sector
–– Dr. Jeevan Jyoti, Ms. Roomi Rani
5. A Study of the Literature Review in the Area of Mergers and Acquisitions.
–– Satish K Mittal, Deepa Shrivastava
6. Investment Decisions in Commodity Market: A Study of Retail Investors
–– Gaurav Jaiswal, Dr. Ravindra Pathak, Prof. S.K. Singh
7. A Study of Employee Satisfaction and Organizational Commitment of the Teaching and Non Teaching Staff
–– Dr. H.K. Agrawal, Neetu Singh Yadav
8. Role of e-Banking Services in improving Bank Service Quality at Aizawl
–– Josephine Lalrindiki, Dr. Amit Kumar Singh
9. Effective Rural Marketing in India: A Changing Paradigm
–– Dr. Shilpi Singh Bhadouria
10. A Systematic Profiling of Small-scale Industries in India: Unlocking Potential for Growth
–– Dr. Sushil Kumar Singh
11. Earn by your Home a Reverse Mortgage Scheme
–– Dr.P.K.Gupta, Dr.Lotica Surana
12. Impact of Social Media on Consumer Behavior
–– Ankit Gupta


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Dr. Ajay Wagh,

Dr. Shailendra Singh


Himalaya pub