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Counselling Skills for Managers


SKU: 942959243654 Category:

The turbulent world of competition, demanding corporate culture, deadlines, targets and technological changes have left employees with excessive pressure and a high level of stress. Organizations have realized the necessity of having stress-free and motivated employees to perform effectively. Employee Counselling is an effective method of understanding the emotional, psychological or personal problems of employees which affect their performance; and helping them to tackle it. It is an effective tool for a manager to fine-tune the performance and behaviour of employees. This book “Counselling Skills for Managers – A Holistic Perspective” is primarily intended to serve as a textbook for students pursuing various courses in Management and Psychology. The book is focused, comprehensive and lucid. Moreover, this book will introduce students to the concept of counselling from an employee’s perspective and gives a to-the-point description so that students can grasp the concepts easily. The book has also incorporated contemporary concepts in the field of employee counselling. The pedagogy of the book includes learning objectives, summary, review questions from previous year’s question papers and case studies based on real situations where the theoretical knowledge can be applied to give a more practical orientation.


Contents –

1: Overview of Employee Counselling
2: Functions of Counselling
3: Approaches to Counselling
4: Counsellors’ Skills
5: Counselling Process
6: Counselling Procedure
7: Client Relationship and Client Problems
8: Changing Behaviour Through Counselling Interventions
9: Record-keeping in Counselling
10: Application of Counselling in Organisational Settings
Case Studies


Year of publication






Book Code


Student Dollar Price


Library Dollar Price





Dr. Elizabeth George


Himalaya pub