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Data Structures Using C (Sem 2, NEP)


SKU: PSM0915 Category:

This book is formatted in accordance with the NEP syllabus. It is a Computer Science core paper. Additionally, the book is beneficial for all degree, PG and diploma students. The book comprises of five units.

Unit 1 covers the introduction to data structures: types of data structures, operations on data structures, algorithm specification, performance analysis and measurement, recursion and its techniques.

Unit 2 covers arrays and its concepts, abstract data types (ADT), representation of linear arrays, operation on array, sorting and searching, multidimensional arrays and sparse matrices.

Unit 3 covers memory allocation and de-allocation functions – malloc, calloc, realloc and free, linked list concepts, types of linked lists – singly, doubly, header and circular linked list, representation of linked list in memory, operations on singly linked lists and garbage collection.

Unit 4 covers stacks, operations on stacks, applications of stacks, infix, postfix and prefix notations, conversion from infix to postfix using stack, applications of stack in function calls, queues, types of queues – simple, circular, priority and double ended queues and operations on simple queues.

Unit 5 covers trees and tree terminologies, type of binary trees -strict and complete binary tree, binary search and heap tree, array representation of binary trees traversal of binary tree, pre-order, in-order and post-order traversal. Additionally, at the end, of this book includes unitwise questions and lab manual.


Contents –

1. Introduction to Data Structures
2. Arrays
3. Linked List
4. Stacks and Queues
5. Trees
Lab Programs and Question Bank


Student Dollar Price






Year of publication




Girija D. K.,

Rashmi M.,

Shilpa H.K.


Himalaya pub