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Development Banking and Financial Intermediaries


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The Development Banks are a multilateral development finance institutions, created with the specific objective of meeting the financial requirements of the Indian industry, agriculture. export trade, small-scale sector, infrastructure, housing and strengthening the Indian Capital Market.

Over the years, Development Banks have contributed immensely as catalyst for development finance in promoting the economic and social development. In the process, they have also played a key role in fostering and nurturing entrepreneurial spirit in the Indian economy.

A well-integrated structure of financial institutions has evolved in the country, comprising of 16 institution at the national level, 64 at the state level and 22 specialised financial institutions.

The final decade of the last century unleashed unprecedented competitive pressures on the Indian economy, fuelled by the twin forces of economic deregulation and technology. These forces transformed the competitive dynamics in the Indian business environment, heralding the emergence of new leaders in various segments, the materialization of new industries and services, and a secular shift towards an overall improvement in operating efficiencies. The evolution of new-generation technology platforms, coupled with the increasing globalization of the Indian economy, blurred the perimeters of conventional business paradigms.

These forces also shaped vast changes in the financial services sector, creating an era of continuous change. The period afforded exciting prospects, but also hitherto unknown risks, for the financial services industry.

Over the past few years, the transition in the Indian financial and banking environment. coupled with liberalization and changing market conditions, has led to a fundamental shift in the management`s approach to enhancing shareholder value. In this context, corporate governance has attained paramount importance for ensuring fairness, transparency, accountability and responsibility to all stakeholders.

The whole text has been discussed in 41 chapters grouped in 6 sections.

The study provides an insight into the varied facets of Development Banks and their unique role in the economy.

The studies also provides a comprehensive and upto date data on Development Banking and strive to cater to the needs of teachers, students, bankers and others interested in this subject.

Contents :

1. Introduction
Section I Development Banking
2. Rationale of Development Banking
3. The Concept of Development Banks
4. Evolution of Development Banking
5. Principles and Functions
6. Role of Developement Banking
7. Development Banking in India an Assessment
Section II Capital Market
8. The Capital Market and Development Banks
9. Equity and Loan Capital
10. Refinance and Term Finance
11. The Non-bank Financial Intermediaries
12. Working Capital Management
13. Investment Portfolio Management
Section III Development Finance
14. Sources of Development Finance
15. Financing Norms
16. International Investment
17. Special Agencies of Finance
18. Management of Fund-based Resources
19. Offshore Financing Instruments
Section IV Planning
20. Planning and Control System
21. Management by Objectives
22. Credit Planning
23. Credit Management
Section V Development Financial Institutions
24. Development Financial Institutions
25. Industrial Development Bank of India
26. Industrial Finance Corporation of India
28. Small Industries Development Bank of India
29. Industrial Investment Bank of India
30. National Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development
31. Investment Institutions
32. Specialised Financial Institutions
33. Export-Import Bank of India
34. State Industrial Development Corporations
35. State Financial Corporations
36. Merchant Banking
37. The World Bank
38. The Asian Development Bank
Section VI Looking Ahead
39. Marketing of Development Banking
40. Issues for the New Millennium
41. The History of Money From BC 1772 to AD 1999


Year of publication







662 (In Grams)

Book Code


Student Dollar Price




Dr. Vasant Desai


Himalaya pub