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Ethics and Governance (Mumbai Univ)


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Business environment in a liberalised economy is dynamic and complex. The cut-throat competition among the businesses force some to find newer short-cut ways to survive or to make quick money. There are other sets of companies with far-sighted vision which follow ethical way of doing the business. Ethical businesses are respected and rewarded by the market.

Corporate governance is another area where a lot of good practices have come into practice. Globally, greater awareness is developing to protect the interests of all stakeholders; even the ambit of stockholders is widening. Legal and regulatory framework is improving to ensure better corporate governance. The stakeholders are able to distinguish businesses which follow good corporate governance and those which do not.

A greater issue drawing attention of the communities is the deterioration of the environment due to over-exploitation. There is a greater insistence that the sustainable businesses only should be encouraged. The expectations of the communities towards the businesses have gone up and there is an increased demand for corporate social responsibility. Corporate have started realising the power of CSR to build good brand image and long-term wealth creation. The concept is getting better acceptance among corporate. International consensus are evolving on environmental protection, need for preservation of depleting natural resources and on protection of flora and fauna.

Study of ethics, corporate governance and corporate social responsibility has gained due importance and is taught as a subject in most of the management courses. For undergraduate students, the reference books may appear a bit heavy. Keeping this in view, a simplified book covering the syllabus was found necessary. Hence, this book. Readers are encouraged to widen their horizon through reference books also.


Contents –

Module 1 : Introduction to Ethics and Business Ethics
1 Ethics
2 Business Ethics
Module 2 : Ethics in Marketing, Finance and HRM
3 Ethics in Marketing
4 Unethical Marketing Practices in India
5 Ethical Dilemmas in Marketing
6 Ethics in Advertising and Types of Unethical Advertisements
7 Ethics in Financial Services
8 Ethics in Taxation
9 Corporate, White-collar and Organised Crime
10 Major Corporate Scams in India
11 Corporate Governance, Role of SEBI and Cadbury Committee Report 1992
12 Ethics in Human Resources Management
13 Workplace Ethics
14 Employee Code of Conduct
15 Ethical Leadership
Module 3 : Corporate Governance
16 Concept, History and Need for Corporate Governance in India
17 Aspects of Corporate Governance
18 Theories of Corporate Governance
19 Corporate Governance in India
20 Insider Trading
21 Models of Corporate Governance
Module 4 : Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)
22 Introduction to Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)
23 Aspects of CSR
24 CSR Principles, Strategies and Issues
25 Social Accounting
26 Tata Group’s CSR Rating Framework
27 Sachar Committee Report on CSR
28 Ethical Issues in International Business Practices
29 CSR – Recent Developments and Future
30 Society’s Expectations from Business in Globalised World
Case Studies


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Year of publication




Dr. K. Govinda Bhat


Himalaya pub