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Ethics in Business and Management


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Ethics in Business and Management was voiced by many delegates of the Quality Summit organized by the Confederation of Indian Industry at Hotel Ashoka in Bangalore wherein the author was a speaker on the ETHICAL CONSCIOUSNESS OF THE MARKET. Though there have been some sporadic contributions on the subject here and there, a comprehensive work containing the unbiased ethical doctrines of Indian and the West, has been really a need of the age.

There are others who have created a notion that Indian cannot talk about ethics-it has to be surely borrowed from the West. These set of authors (only a few), obsessed by their anti-Indian Political doctrines and inclinations have deliberately misquoted Kautilya, Gita, and other scriptural tests of India to prove that Indians have favoured unethical practices and hence the western gurus are required to be invited for a new spell of knowledge for us to be ethical.

In the midst of all these cross currents, the author undertook the responsibility of presenting a comprehensive work on Ethics that discusses:
– The Indian view of Perennial Ethics and Value
– The Western view of Relative Ethics & Values
– Sacred Ethics and
– Secular Ethics


Contents :

Section I
1. Ethics : Definition, Scope and Relevance
2. Mathematics for Ethics
3. Philosophical Foundations of Ethics-The Normative Ethics
4. Ethical Value of Bhagwat Gita
5. Ethical Consciousness of the Markets
6. Empirical Ethics Verses Eternal Ethics
7. Teleological Ethics
8. Deontological Ethics
9. Kant`s Universalism and Categorical Imperatives
10. Ethics of Spinoza : The Rational Sense of Duty
11. Ethical Principles of Aristotle
12. Rawl`s Theory of Justice
13. Kautilyan Ethics
14. Ethical Dimensions of Gandhi
15. Ethics in Buddhism
16. Ethical Dimensions in Sufism
17. Environment Ethics
Section II
18. Ethics in HR-Finance
19. Ethical Issues in Mergers and Acquisitions
20. Ethics in Marketing Vs. Social Darwinism
21. Ethics in Finance
22. Ethics Cases
Section III
23. Ethics in Practice in Selected Organisations in India
– Case Studies

– Ethics Case Study-I : Shyam Group of Companies
– Ethics Case Study-II : BBA Ltd.
– Ethics Case Study-III : Symphony Ltd.
– Ethics Case Study-V : Sudarshan Ltd.
– Ethics Case Study-VI : Ford Motor Company India Ltd.

– Analysis of the Questionnaire


Year of publication







268 (In Grams)

Book Code

Student Dollar Price


Library Dollar Price





Dr. R.P. Banerjee


Himalaya pub