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Forms of Business Organisation – I

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In recent times, the entire world is following different economic systems. Ever since Adam Smith published his work Wealth of Nations, US and West European countries implicitly accepted his thought and practiced Capitalism. But in 1917 after the great Revolution of Russia and the publication of The Das Capital Karl Marks, another economic system called Socialism emerged. This created a conflict between Capitalism and Socialism. However, J. M. Keynes tried to find out a via media between the two systems retaining the basic aspects of both Capitalism and Socialism. The Keynesian model was accepted by all the Western countries. But Russia and other Eastern European countries strictly followed Marxism. But the could not be sustained for long by these countries and in 1980s they threw open the economy for market. India followed a mixed economy concept allowing both public and private sectors to operate.

The Business organizations all over the world had three namely, sole trading concerns, partnership and Joint Stock Companies. Side by side public sector undertaking, cooperative organizations and joint sector also started playing roles as forms of business organizations. In this backdrop, this title forms of Business Organisation-I gives a lucid picture of comparative ecosystems, forms of business organizations and their pros and cons.

Book Content of Forms of Business Organisation – I

Chapter 1 Human Occupation-I
Chapter 2 Human Occupation-II
(Industry & Commerce)
Chapter 3 Human Occupation-III
(Employment, Profession & Vocation)
Chapter 4 Economic Systems
Chapter 5 Business Organisation-An Overview
Chapter 6 Proprietary Concern
Chapter 7 Partnership
Chapter 8 Joint Stock Company
Chapter 9 Co-operative Society
Chapter 10 Public Sector
Chapter 11 Non-Profit Organisation