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Indian Judiciary


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The author has been pondering over the last thirty years, what is happening to our country?

Alarming price rise in the essential commodities, spiraling expansion in population, sporadic increase in the crime rates, increase in the unemployment problems due to advancement in technology have virtually put the common masses to commit suicide and leading a handtomouth life. Food, clothing and shelter are the vital and essential means for subsistence. But if these necessities are not met, how to lead a normal life. Political, socio-economic climate of our nation is worsening day by day. But still, we say, “India is a great nation and all Indians are brothers and sisters”. This prompted the author to make an in-depth study of Indian judiciary and its related topics that affect directly our nation and its people.

It is often said, “if people are healthy and progressive, nation is healthy and growing”. People makes the nation. An ideal nation is the nation that provides food, clothing and shelter to all and sundry. Our nation is rich in resources but these resources are not equally distributed and are being exploited by a few rich elite classes. The moot question is that how to make our people self-sufficient. No doubt, it depends on the people also as to how they are utilizing their skills to promote and progress. It is essential that opportunities should be extended to all section of the society in equal terms. But our Constitution divides people and give privileges to the backward section of the society. It is no doubt essential to uplift the downtrodden in the society but it does not mean that this should affect other sections of the society. But is it really happening. In the name of downtrodden, politicians, industrialists and other elites, thrive and prosper even to the extent of leaving the downtrodden to the pitiable and pathetic state.

The author has observed the growth, development and progress of our nation vest on the political, economical and social system of our country. India, says so, lives in unity with diversity and a nation of integration of various caste, creed, class and language. In Southern states, we have South Indian languages, viz., Tamil, Malayalam, Telugu, Kannadaz, Tulu, etc. In Northern states, we have Hindi, Jodhpuri, Bihari, Punjabi, languages. Similarly in Western States, Gujarati, Marathi, Marwari, etc., and in Eastern States − Bengali, Oriya, etc. These divisions give politicians an opportunity to divide and rule the people, this affects largely the economy of our country.

The author has witnessed terrorism, riot, strike, agitation, gang robbery, bomb blasts in a very massive scale. These incidents erupts only when the country is passing through serious political times and crisis. In order to subvert such crimes, these incidents erupt to divert the people from the main crux of the problem. As such, our people`s memory is short and they tend to forget such incidents as they are obsessed with their own problems.

If the law enforcing bodies turn to crime and unscrupulous activities perpetrated by them on the people, how can the law abiding citizens maintain peace and order. The author shudders to think as to when such situation will overcome and uplift the morale of our people. The citizens should feel free to approach the law enforcing authorities to support the legal system of our country. But the citizens are prevented from doing so. It is very difficult to get any work done from the legal authorities as they insist for various documents and the work is undone. It is the moral responsibility of the law enforcing bodies to guide and help the citizens but it is never done and discharged by the authorities.

However, in the last five years, our media, NGOs, social activists are in the limelight to raise the voice of the people and they are doing yeoman’s service and extending social welfare activities to the citizens of our country.

The author conclude that our country is passing through a serious crisis and transformation and yet there is a sliver lining in the dark cloud which is to set one day and dawn upon the people of our country. The people of our country will realize their contribution towards the nation and they are all out to change the political system of our country.


Contents –

1. Criminal Jurisprudence
2. Civil Jurisprudence
3. Motor Accident Claims Tribunal
4. Indian Constitution
5. Need for Improvement in Judiciary Approach


Year of publication








Library Dollar Price




P.V. Sethu


Himalaya pub