Investment For Beginners


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In the fast changing scenario of the Indian capital market, the individual broker/sub-broker and individual investor are loosing their hold to stand effective competition members of exchanges and their corporate customers, FFIs and Mutual Funds. This species of individuals and partners, which so dominated the scene for centuries in the stock market is under fear of near extinction. Following the globalization and deregulation,over the last few years, the new generation players in the market are the sharks of FFIs,Foreign security firms, Corporate giants, growing mutual funds and other institutions with muscle strength and money power. The dire necessity of the present time is to Preserve this species of individuals, for the historic role they played in the past for the growth of the market.

It is a mission to preserve them, by sharpening their tools and making them competent in their own right. This book is intended for this purpose as the author’s contribution to the cause of individual investor. The book is the product of his teaching in Bombay and Hyderabad Stock Exchanges, over the last Six years. This book provides the information and analytical tools for scientific decision making on investment by the individual investors.

Contents –

Part I: Market Mechanism
1. Overview of Investment Function
2. Why Invest in the Capital Market
3. Regulatory Framework for Markets
4. Capital Market, Structure and Operations
5. New Issues Market and Study of Prospectus
6. New Capital Issues and Their Listing
7. Merchant Banking, Functions and Working
8. Role of Registrars in the Capital Market
9. Stock Market, Functions and Working
10. Market Trading Operations
11. OTCEI and N.S.E.
Part II: Investment Mechanism
12. SEBI and Investor Protection
13. Investor Complains and Grievance Redressal
14. Problem of Share transfers
15. Investment Decision Making
16. Stock Prices and Index Numbers
17. Pre-Investment Study and Financial Analysis
18. Balance Sheet Analysis and forecasting
19. Fundamental Analysis of the Market
20. Introduction to Technical Analysis
21. Management of Portfolio
22. Mutual Fund Schemes


Library Dollar Price




Year of publication






Himalaya pub