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Managerial Accounting


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We have great pleasure in presenting First edition “Managerial Accounting” written for students of PG courses. The subject matter is written in a simple and easily understandable language with sufficient support from real information.

The language of the book is simple and the coverage of various unit is exhaustive with examples. This work is prepared as a basic material for the learners to know fully about Managerial Accounting. We have tried to make the book very useful for the students but still we will thankfully solicit and incorporate the suggestions of our readers. This title “Managerial Accounting” provides them an opportunity to develop the skills necessary to meet the challenges.

This is an attempt to provide the students with thorough understanding of Practicals on Managerial Accounting concepts. In writing this book we have benefited immensely from the studies of a number of books and the articles written by scholars spread over diversely.


Contents –

Module- 1. Introduction to Financial Accounting
1. Introduction to Accounting
2. Accounting Concepts and Conventions
Module- 2. Recording Accounting Transactions
3. Double Entry System
4. Accounting Process (Journal and Ledger)
5. Subsidiary Books
6. Trial Balance
7. Reconciliation Statement
8. Accounting Standards in India
9. Final Accounts
Modules- 3. Measuring and Reporting Assets and Liabilities
10. Accounting for Tangible and Intangible Assets
11. Fixed Assets (AS-10)
12. Depreciation (AS-2)
13. Inventory Valuation (AS-2)
14. Valuation of Goodwill
Module- 4. Analysis and Interpreting Financial Statements
15. Financial Statement Analysis
16. Ratio Analysis
17. Cash Flow Statement
18. Annual Reports and Earnings Relations
Module- 5. Costing
19. Concepts of Cost
20. Cost Sheet
21. Standard Costing
22. Marginal Costing
23. Budgetary Control
Module- 6. Emerging Trends
24. IFRS
25. Inflation Accounting
26. Human Resource Accounting
27. Responsibility Accounting
28. Forensic Accounting
29. Environmental Accounting
30. Corporate Social Reporting (CSR) and Carbon Acc




Year of publication





786 (In Grams)

Student Dollar Price




Dr. Mahesh Kumar K. R.,

Govinda Gowda,

R.G. Saha


Himalaya pub