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Managing Human Resources in Global Environment

Student Price 450.00

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As more firms move outside their domestic world of international business, the globalisation of world markets appears to be gaining momentum. The globalisation of business is forcing managers to grapple with complex human resources issues as they seek to gain or sustain a competitive advantage. Faced with unprecedented levels of foreign competition at home and abroad companies are beginning to recognise that human resources are of critical importance to implement their international or global strategy. As our companies expand globally, the human resource challenges become more pronounced. Managing people typically focuses on helping employees to understand and effectively handle cultural requirements by building sensitivity to languages, national customs, legal and regulatory environments, and other country and regional differences. Among the various dimensions of international business, the people aspect with all its cross-cultural complexities and issues assume greater significance and pose major challenges to managing employees globally. IHRM as a discipline plays a vital role in success or failure of a business venture since businesses are essentially driven by people. It examines the way in which international organisations manage their human resources in the different national context in which they operate.

The intention of this book is to portray different dimensions of IHRM, including different issues pertaining to all categories of staff operating in an international sphere. The material for this textbook came from many sources which have been identified and duly acknowledged.

Contents :

1. The Environment of International Human Resource Management (IRHM)
2. Organisational Context of IHRM
3. Strategic IHRM
4. Staffing for International Assignments
5. Training and Development in International Context
6. International Compensation System
7. International Performance Management
8. Expatriation and Repatriation
9. International Industrial Relations
10. International Mergers and Acquisitions HR Perspective
11. Cultural Dimensions of IHRM
12. Cross-Cultural Communication and Negotiation
13. Global Occupational Health
14. Global Ethical Environment
15. Leadership and Motivation in a Global Context
16. IHRM Issues, Trends and Future Challenges