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Partnership Accounting


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In this book, we present all types of matter in reference to partnership. A large number of illustrations from simple to different problems with their solution have been given in this book to suit the requirement of B.Com I year, II semester students recommended by Central Board of Studies and approved by the Government of Madhya Pradesh. This book includes contents of all types of partnership agreement. In a partnership, partner`s shares are fixed according and in some partnership deed. Partners may have a partnership agreement, or declaration of partnership and in some jurisdiction such agreements registered and available for public inspection. In many countries, a partnership is considered to be a legal matter, although different legal system reaches different conclusion on this point.

Many developments have taken place in partnership accounting and International Accounting Standard. An effort has been made to include all such developments in this book. We include Statements of Accounting Standards (AS 10) Accounting for fixed Assets, because in partnership fixed assets have more value in own, in case of retirement, dissolution and amalgamation etc.

Book Content of Partnership Accounting
  1. Partnership Accounts – General and Basic Concepts
  2. Admission of a New Partner and Concept of Goodwill
  3. Partnership Accounts – Retirement and Death of a Partner
  4. Dissolution of a Partnership Firm – I
  5. Dissolution of a Partnership Firm – II
  6. Partnership Account – Amalgamation of Firms
  7. Partnership Accounts – Conversion & Sale of FirmModel Paper

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D. K. Gangwar,

Dr. Sharda Gangwar


Himalaya pub