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Pharmaceutical Analysis Volume I


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It gives me immense pleasure to place before the large community of Pharmacy teachers and students, my humble work entitled “Pharmaceutical Analysis – Volume I (Theory and Practical’s)” written strictly in accordance with the recent syllabus of B. Pharmacy course. Both for theory and practical’s. As recommended by the All India Council of Technical Education (ALCTE) and adopted by most of the universities in the country.

The idea of writing the book was conceived when I realized that the pharmacy students are facing difficulty to get a book on Pharmaceutical Analysis suited to their academic needs. The books which have been recommended in the syllabus of different Indian universities are mostly by foreign authors. These books are above the reach of most of the students and teachers. Although there are a few related books by Indian authors, but these books have very high technical standards, complex theoretical background, extensive experimentation and electronic circuits, and lot of derivations, with less relevance to the examination point of view. So, the students have no alternative but to study from chemical analysis book of graduate and postgraduate level. These books have been primarily written to meet the requirements of chemistry students only and their scope is not in accordance with the syllabus of pharmacy students. These books do not stress on the pharmaceutical application of the different techniques of analysis. So, there is a dire need to bring out a book in accordance with the requirement of the pharmacy students as well as examinations pattern of Indian Universities.

The present text book has been written keeping in view the requirements of the students and the teachers so as to cover all the topics with the desired limits of the prescribed syllabus. On the basis of vast experience of the author, the text has been prepared in a simple, lucid and comprhensive style. The manuscript has been presented as if the teacher is talking to the students in a class. Here is a book which caters to all your queries and doubts. It gives you the fundamentals and the basis of the pharmaceutical analysis required by you as pharmacist. The book will not only help you to score better in the examination but would develop your skills to apply your knowledge of pharmaceutical analysis in solving the problems that you may face during your career.

A special feature of the book is that it includes a Laboratory Manual for practicals which forms part of pharmacy syllabus in parcticals for I, II and III semesters. The book has been divided into two parts. Part A consists of nine chapters dealing with basic fundamentals of pharmaceutical analysis including principles, instrumentation and applications of different techniques of pharmaceutical analysis. Part B consists of six chapters which deals with Limit Tests, Semi-Micro Quantitative Inorganic Analysis, Qualitative as well as Quantitative Organic Analysis and Laboratory exercises on Volumetric Analysis and Gravimetric Analysis as per requirement of students.

The book may prove useful not only to the students and teachers of Diploma in Pharmacy and particularly to the students of B. Pharma Course and Medical students. It will be also useful to analysts, pharmaceutical quality control chemists and research and development chemists working in drug industry.


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462 (In Grams)

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Dr. S.K. Bhasin


Himalaya pub