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Pre-Reforms Indian Economy (Sem 1, NEP)


SKU: PEI0090 Category:

Pre-Reform Indian Economy is prescribed open elective for Non Economics Student under National Education policy. It is designed chapters by using simple language and used simple text design to understand the subject easily and capable to face the examination with confidence. Pre-reform Indian Economy is designed for first semester student who are studying in other discipline, it is traditional in coverage, including Basic concepts of Indian number of Innovative and Interactive features designed to enhance student learning, instructors can also customize the book adapting it to the approach that works best in their classroom. The book is organized into nine chapter. This book has been written to cater to the need of under graduates who are keen in knowing the basics of Indian Economy. Further examples have been added into the concepts to project the concept in a similar way and help the students in practical knowledge at the end of module long and short question have been given, the answer for the same could be easily traced in this text book. This book is student friendly and worth readable and has value for money.


Contents –

1. Features of Indian Economy
2. Issues in Agriculture Sector of India
3. Industrial Development in India
4. Economic Policies
5. Monetary Policy in India
6. Fiscal Policy in India
7. External Sector and Nature of Reforms in India
8. Post-1991 Strategies
9. NITI Ayog


Year of publication







336 (In Grams)

Book Code


Student Dollar Price


Library Dollar Price





T.C. Chandrashekar


Himalaya pub