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Human Resource Management and Industrial Relations

This book provides a comprehensive framework of the principles and concepts relatin HRM and IR − its subsets of Personnel Management, Industrial Relations and Human Resource Development. The author provides a balance between micro and macro topics in Part-I such-as Human Resource Planning, HRD, Work Motivation, Communication, Rewards and Incentives Leadership, HR Research, Human Stress, Quality Management, International HR Management, Strategic HRM besides containing case studies, whereas Part-Il deals with Industrial Relations topics like Trade Unionism with examples of Corporate Incidents, Collective Bargaining Industrial Conflict, Indian Constitution and Principles of Labour Laws, HR Discipline, Workers Participation in Management. It contains provisions of twenty labour laws.

This book “Human Resource Management and Industrial Relations” is intended to be a basic textbook not only for graduates and postgraduates courses like − MBA, CA, PGDPM, etc. where human resource management is offered as a course of studies but also meant for all those who are concerned with managing people. To study the management of people without books is to sail an unchartered sea, while to study books without practice is not to go to sea at all.

Contents :

1. Management Philosophy and Human Resource Management
2. Personnel Function − Its Origin, Growth in India, Role and Classification
3. Personnel Policies and Procedures
4. Profile of Indian Manager
5. The Indian Worker
6. Organizational Structure
7. Human Resource Planning
8. Recruitment and Selection Process
9. Employee Training
10. Management Development
11. Performance Appraisal
12. Job Analysis, Job Design, Job Description and Job Evaluation
13. Wage and Salary Administration
14. Rewards and Incentives
15. Internal Mobility
16. Work Motivation
17. Employee Morale
18. Employee Counselling
19. Career Planning and Development
20. Communication
21. Leadership
22. Human Resources Records and Reports
23. Human Resource Accounting
24. Human Resource Audit
25. Human Resource Research
26. Ethics and Social Responsibility
27. Quality of Work Life (QWL)
28. Human Stress
29. Strategies Human Resourc


Year of publication









Student Dollar Price



Nirmal Kumar


Himalaya pub