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Crack The C Interview


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This is an unconventional book on C language. This book does not claim to be an exhaustive guide on C programming. The reader of this book is expected to have intermediate knowledge of C language with hands-on experience. This book is designed to help the readers to crack the C interviews. Proficiency in C is one of the measures adopted by the industry for the new recruits. The IT companies follow different approaches to test proficiency of the candidates in C domain. These approaches range from objective tests in C to real world problem solving using C. But one characteristic underlines all of these approaches, they are meant to test a candidates understanding of C language intricacies. This book nails upon the same.

This book tries to elaborate the intricacies of C languages from multiple view points; like objective tests, puzzles and FAQs. Also it deals with the mysteries involving the processing and execution of C programs. Industry expects the C programmers to apply their skill set on multiple platforms. This is also taken care of in the book.

The Topics Covered in the Book:
– History of C Language
– Processing of a C Program
– Execution of a C Program
– C Programming Toolkits
– C Programming IDEs
– C Programming in DOS
– C Programming in Windows
– C Programming in Linux
– Preprocessing
– Compilation
– Assembly
– Linking
– Executable File Format
– Dynamic Linking
– Operating System Kernel
– Processor Registers
– Frequently Asked Questions in C
– Puzzles in C
– Objective Tests on C Language


Contents :

Section-I: A Brief Overview of C Language
1: A Brief Overview of C Language
Section-II: Processing and Execution of a C Program
2: Steps Involved in the Processing of a C Program
3: Understanding the Processing of a C Program
4: Understanding the Execution of a C Program
Section-III: Utilities and Tools to Process a C Program
5: C Programming Toolkits
6: C Programming IDEs
Section-IV: C Programming in Different Environments
7: C Programming in DOS Environment
8: C Programming in Windows Environment
9: C Programming in Linux Environment


Year of publication








Library Dollar Price




Dr. Sachin Kadam,

Prof. H.N. Renushe


Himalaya pub