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A Text Book of Mathematics – XI


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The present text book of Mathematics is written accordance with the latest syllabus of Mathematics to cater the needs of the teachers and students of XI standard class of CBSE pattern (Common Core).

Hallmarks –

– Readers Friendly in real sense.
– Stepwise approach
– Concept oriented approach to the problems
– Highlighting the concepts through problems
– Tips to answer objective type questions
– Alternative approach to solve problems
– Over 1750 solved problems and nearly 1500 exercise problems
– Summary of the chapter at the end of each chapter Multiple choice Questions at the end of the chapter
– Double color printing


Contents :

PART − I A : Sets and Functions
Chapter 1 − Sets
Chapter 2 − Relations
Chapter 3 − Functions
PART − I B : Trigonometric Functions
Chapter 1 − Angles and Their Measure
Chapter 2 − Trignometric Functions
Chapter 3 − Graphs of Trignometric Functions
Chapter 4 − Trignometic Functions of Compound Angles
Chapter 5 − Transformation Formulae
Chapter 6 − Trignometric Functions of Multiples and Sub-multiple Angles
Chapter 7 − Trignometric Equations
PART − II : Algebra
Chapter 1 − Mathematical Induction
Chapter 2 − Complex Numbers
Chapter 3 − Quadratic Equations
Chapter 4 − Linear Inequality
Chapter 5 − Permutations
Chapter 6 − Combination
Chapter 7 − Binomial Theorem
Chapter 8 − Arithmetic Progression
Chapter 9 − Geometric Progression
Chapter 10 − Sum to n Terms of Special Series
PART − III : Coordinate Geometry
Chapter 1 − Coordinate System in a Plane
Chapter 2 − LOcus of Point
Chapter 3 − Straight Lines
Chapter 4 − The Circle
Chapter 5 − Conic Sections
Chapter 6 − Introduction to Three Dimensional Geometry
PART − IV : Calculus
Chapter 1 − Limits
Chapter 2 − Derivatives
PART − V : Mathematical Reasoning
Chapter 1 − Mathematical Reasoning
PART − VI : Statistics and Probability
Chapter 1 – Statistics – Measuring of Dispersion
Chapter 2 – Probability
Supplementary Material


Year of publication






Book Code

Student Dollar Price


Library Dollar Price





G.K. Ranganath


Himalaya pub