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Marketing Management (Bangalore Univ)


SKU: 3a069a673dd0 Category:

Our customers are our readers, keeping this in mind and to add value to existing fund of knowledge in the student friends, we have taken every risk to write the subject lucidly, comprehensively and meaningfully, using our intellectual capital to enhance the intellectual capacities of our readers.

With the advent of Infotech Society in the globe, the buzzwords in the marketing arena are E-marketing, On-line marketing, Virtual marketing, Tele-marketing, E-commerce, Mobile-business, Mobile commerce, E-mails, E-entertainment, Multiplex, Customer Relationship Marketing (CRM) and what not.

Today`s customers have wide choice in product selection at competitive price with global or world class quality, which our forefathers were deprived of. Keeping the turbulent changes in mind in all aspects of human activities, much less in marketing activities, we have strived hard at the same time, hilariously to fulfill the requirements of prescribed syllabi and beyond. The pace of change is so rapid and drastic, we certainly know that the student community will go agog, because, before understanding thoroughly one concept, a new concept emerges. Hence, we took the responsibility as a bulwark to facilitate the readers in the wake of changing momentum and give value for our reader`s Money.

Every chapter in the book starts with learning objectives, a well-thought-out arrangement of sub-heading with rich content providing ample Indian examples wherever necessary followed by summary, objective, analytical and essay type questions.

Besides, Part-B contains Skill Development programme to enhance practical knowledge and exposure of the student, we have given living examples drawn from Indian and MNC firms. We have given living examples drawn from Indian and MNC firms. We have created wroth for your consideration.


Book Content of Marketing Management

  • Introduction to Marketing
  • Marketing Environment
  • Product Strategies
  • Pricing Strategies
  • Channels of Distribution and Logistics
  • Promotion Strategies
  1. Recent Trends


Student Dollar Price


Library Dollar Price

286, 302


Fouth, First

Year of publication

2011, 2016



Dr. B. Chandrashekara,

Dr. K. Ramachandra,

Prof. Sudha Madhwaraj


Himalaya pub