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Computer Technology and Programming


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The revision of the syllabus of this course has created a need for us to prepare this book. The changes in the syllabus has been made seeing to the requirements of this course in terms of its usage and applications. The course contents have been prepared in very systematic and meticulous manner. Preparing a book which includes all the needs is a huge task, which requires an approach which is tested and tried. Each and every topic in the book is presented taking the student community into consideration. The narration is simplified so that it is easily assimilated and effectively understood. The book is basically structured into two sections. The first section concentrates on the theoretical aspects of the computer, such as various peripherals which can be attached to it, their working and their usage. Introduction is also provided in this section about software, their classification and requirements. The second section completely concentrates on the practical component of the syllabus. The use of word processing, electronic spread sheets are dealt in such a way that the user need not have to supplement with any other material. Presentation basics and database management are two important requirements of todays life. The book touches these aspects with great rigidity. An accounting package is also introduced. This helps the user to maintain and manage his inflow and outflow easily. The need and importance of e-commerce and its applications are also covered suitably.


Book Content of Computer Technology and Programming
1. Information Technology and computers
2. Data Representation
3. Data Processing
4. Functional Units of a Computer
5. Input Devices
6. Output Devices
7. Main Memory
8. Secondary Storage Device
9. Central Processing Unit
10. Programming
11. System Programming
12. Communications
13. Office Automation
14. Word Processors
15. Spread Sheets
16. Presentation Package
17. Accounting Package



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H. K. Gundu Rao,

M. N. Nachappa


Himalaya pub