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Financial Management – II


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The theme of Financial Management is structured around decision making in the three interrelated financial areas: investment – long-term as well as current assets; financing; and dividend Policy Also included are the important tools of financial planning and management.

It is a matter of great pleasure to present this new edition of the book on ‘Financial Management Paper – IT to the students and teachers of Bachelor of Commerce (Banking & Insurance) started by the University of Mumbai. This book is written on the lines of syllabus instituted by the university. The book presents the subject matter in a simple and convincing language.

We owe a great many thanks to a great many people who helped and supported us during the writing of this book which includes Principal, Coordinator, and Students of BBI Section.

In keeping with the aims of the book, we have attempted to present the text in a lucid and simple style; the treatment is comprehensive and by and large non-mathematical. Another notable feature of this volume is that the discussions of the concepts and theories are invariably followed by exhaustive illustrative problems. To test the understanding of the readers, as also to enable them to have sufficient practice, a large number of exercises have also been given at the end of the chapters.

The syllabus contains a list of the topics covered in each chapter which will avoid the controversies regarding the exact scope of the syllabus. The text follows the term wise, chapter-topic pattern as prescribed in the syllabus. We have preferred to give the text of the section and rules as it is and thereafter, added the comments with the intention of explaining the subject to the students in a simplified language. While making an attempt to explain in a simplified language, some mistake of interpretation might have crept in.

This book is an unique presentation of subject matter in an orderly manner. This is a student-friendly book and tutor at home. We hope the teaching faculty and the student community will find this book of great use.


Contents –

1. Capital Budgeting
2. Cost of Capital
3. Leverage
4. Working Capital Management


Student Dollar Price


Library Dollar Price




Year of publication






Dr.Nishikant Jha,

Prof. Rajiv Mishra,

Prof. Shraddha Bhome


Himalaya pub