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Retail Banking Challenges and Latest Trends in India

In the changing paradigms of banking, there has been seminal transformation in the composition of assets and liabilities portfolio of banks. There has been a gradual and conscious shift from exposure to large credit with concentrated risk to medium and small loans with well dispersed risk more focused on retail segment. Moreover, the changing Indian demographic pattern suggest that India will be the country with youngest population where 64 percent will be in working age and these young individuals will also form bulk of bank customers in next few years to come. With per capita income on rise, the life style will undergo change with more propensity to consume credit. Hence, banks will have immense opportunity to expand retail lending and that’s how the knowledge base on retail banking will be essential.

The book will be beneficial to all present as well as potential bankers, particularly the young aspirants entering the banking domain now.

The book lucidly explains the significance of retail distribution channels, service design and delivery, segregation of functions in respect of front and back office roles. Its linkage with retail electronic banking, IT framework that supports retail functions, explains new range of products, efforts of customer centricity, customer relationship management in a comprehensive manner.

The book would definitely be a good source of reference book on retail banking for all knowledge seekers desiring to understand the various facets of retail banking.


Contents –

1. Introduction to Retail Banking
2. Retail Banking Strategies
3. New Distribution Channels for Retail Banking
4. Service Design and Delivery Strategies in Retail Banking
5. Front Office and Back Office Operations
6. Introduction to Electronic Banking
7. Recent Trends of IT in Retail Banking
8. New Product Development, Pricing and Launching
9. Payment and Settlement Systems, RTGS and Clearing House
10. Customer Relationship Management in Bank


Year of publication







370 (In Grams)

Book Code



Dr. Suresh Chandra Bihari


Himalaya pub