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Manpower Planning and Strategic Change

Writing this book on Manpower Planning and Strategic Change has been a wonderful and exciting journey. It all started during the process of searching for a new book for the Management students pursuing MBA, PMIR, PGDM, PGDHRM, etc. The book is the extension of the Human Resource Management which covers widely the concept of Manpower Planning, Human Resource Development and Change Management.

The target readers are the upper level students with some prior knowledge on HRM. This book can also be utilized by the HR professionals. Some basic knowledge on Human Resource (HR) functions (e.g., selection, training, appraisal and pay) will help the reader to understand the contents of the book more easily. This book can be used by those students who are pursuing HR as their specialization subject.


Chapter 1: Introduction to Human Resource Planning: it introduces the topic of human resource planning and explains the key steps in the HRP process, including its relationship to overall business activities. This chapter also includes different approaches of HRP, Forecasting and Demand and Supply of HR.

Chapter 2: This chapter defines HRIS, its importance, process and classification and the contribution of HRIS to HRP. Human Resource Reporting, Human Resource Accounting and Auditing are also discussed in this chapter.

Chapter 3: The importance of HRD, its growth and development, systems and subsystem, HRD Climate and HRD Matrix are covered in this chapter.

Chapter 4: This chapter covers different HRD Interventions and the models of HRD. The role of quality of work life, importance of HRD Audit, Model of Culture Audit and different audit techniques are also discussed here.

Chapter 5: This chapter describes Career Development and the relationship between human resource planning and career development of employees so as to meet the organizational needs as well as employee needs. Career Planning and Succession Planning are also highlighted in the chapter.

Chapter 6: This chapter deals with the importance and the concept of Organizational Change, how different factors affect the organization for which the organization implements change and the types of change. The importance of organizational vision, mission and the strategic planning are also discussed in this chapter.

Chapter 7: This chapter deals with the concept of managing change, importance of transformation planning in change; process of managing transactions, role of change agents and aspects of resistance to changes.

Chapter 8: This chapter deals with different intervention strategies and the models/the processes of implementation of change in the organization. Organizational Development, TQM, KAIZEN and other quality improvement programmes are also covered in this chapter.

Chapter 9: The role of CSR, its approaches and the different activities covered under CSR are discussed briefly in this chapter.

Chapter 10: This chapter focuses on Corporate restructuring, Mergers and Acquisitions and role in human resource planning in the process.


Contents –

1. Human Resource Planning
2. Human Resource Information System
3. Human Resource Development — Concept
4. Human Resource Development — Interventions and Models
5. Career Planning
6. Concept of Change
7. Management Change
8. Intervention Strategies
9. Corporate Social Responsibility
10. Corporate Restructuring and Recent Trends


Year of publication







318 (In Grams)

Book Code


Student Dollar Price



Dr. Sujit Kumar Acharya,

Prof. Santosh Kumar Tripathi


Himalaya pub