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Web Technology Sem V (Telangana Univ)


SKU: ebb85041edf9 Category:

We have enormous fulfillment in presenting the first edition of “Web Technology” duly written as per Restructured CBCS Syllabus for B.Com. 3rd Year, 5th Semester for various Universities in Telangana State.

The related matter had been written in a simple and lucid style, easily understandable language even for the below-average students with sufficient support from real business information.

This book covers Unit 1: HTML (Language) – hyperlinks, lists, frames, formulation of elements, commenting code, anchors, backgrounds, etc. Unit 2: Overview of Dynamic Webpage Technologies – dynamic HTML programming, cascading style sheets, basics syntax structure, events handling, changing text and attributes, dynamically changing style, text graphics, creating multimedia effects, filters, etc. Unit 3: JavaScript – server-side JavaScript, core features, data types and variables, operators, expressions and statements, functions, objects, array, data and math related objects, etc. Unit 4: Events and Event Handlers – OnAbort, OnClick, Ondblclick, OnDragdrop, OnError, OnFocus, OnkeyPress, OnkeyUp, OnmouseDown, OnmouseMove, etc. Unit 5: Extensible Markup Language (XML) – creating XML document, XML styles sheet, hyperlinks, XML Document Object Model, XML Query Language. Also, we had given MCQs and Web Technology Practice Programs at the end of the book.


Contents –

Unit I : Introduction
Unit II : An Overview of Dynamic Webpages and Dynamic Webpage
Unit III : JavaScript
Unit IV : Events and Event Handlers
Unit V : Extensible Markup Language (XML)
Fill in the Blanks
Multiple Choice Questions
Web Technology — Practice Problems


Student Dollar Price


Library Dollar Price




Year of publication




J. Pradeep Kumar,

K. Prasanth Kumar,

N. Sudha


Himalaya pub