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Business Mathematics and Statistics (Calcutta Univ)

Indeed, much benefit could be derived from centralizing the teaching of basic business mathematics and statistics in one course in one department, which, in most colleges, would be either the management or commerce department. If only one such course is offered much needless duplication can be avoided and a single standard of achievement can be maintained. It is for such a course that this book is designed.

This book entitled as a “Business Mathematics and Statistics” especially for the Third Semester B.Com students of University of Calcutta. The book aims to provide necessary, ingredient for the students which has been divided into eight unit. Each and every unit has been explained with examples and illustrations.

The main principles and techniques of the subject have been discussed in a very simple language and special emphasis. Each unit ends with a set of theoretical and practical (Worked-out Problems) exercises so that the readers can reinforce their understanding of the chapters and prepare themselves thoroughly for examinations.


Contents –

Module – I : Business Mathematics
UNIT – 1 Permutations and Combinations
UNIT – 2 Set Theory
UNIT – 3 Binomial Theorem
UNIT – 4 Logarithm
UNIT – 5 Compound Interest and Annuities
Module – II : Statistics
UNIT – 6 Correlation and Association
UNIT – 7 Regression Analysis
UNIT – 8 Index Numbers
UNIT – 9 Time Series Analysis
UNIT – 10 Probability Theory






Year of publication






Dr. Mriganka De Sarkar,

R.G. Saha


Himalaya pub